Teresa Vittucci
Performer*in & Kollaborateur*in
If you would have to choose: Love, Play or Fight?
Fight. But of course, by fight I mean: resist and know when to stop resisting.
What is it worth fighting for?
Vulnerability. Give vulnerability the space it needs. In us. In others. In nature. If we don’t fight for the vulnerable space to exist, nothing makes sense.
What was your last dream?
I discovered that there was an extra room in my apartment that I had never noticed before. I love that dream. Its reoccurring.
Are there any thinkers that accompany you at the moment?
Carolin Emcke – is an unbelievable observer and thinker and never fails to touch upon the deeply human condition in her writing (everybody should read «Gegen den Hass» and «Wie wir begehren», do yourself a favour and read them!).
Anne Dufourmantelle – is an amazing mind. A philosopher and psychoanalyst who spent her entire life writing about risk and vulnerability and finally died, while saving two children form drowning.
«bell hooks» – the warmest, softest warrior I’ve ever seen. And so many more. Also: «Listen to Anthem» by Soap & Skin on the album From Gas to Solid/You Are My Friend. «Just when you wanted to avoid it, you already hold it in your hand.»
What was your last dream?
Teresa Vittucci lebt in Zürich und ist Choreografin und Tänzerin. Sie hat Abschlüsse des Konservatorium in Wien und sowie der Ailey School in New York, der Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD) sowie der Hochschule der Künste Bern. Sie arbeitete u. a. mit Nils Amadeus Lange, Marie Caroline Hominal, Simone Aughterlony, Trajal Harrell, Audrey Cavelius, Claire Vivianne Sobottke und Michael Turinsky. 2014/15 war sie Ensemblemitglied am Staatstheater Mainz. Sie erhielt verschiedene Stipendien, darunter das danceWEB Stipendium (ImPulsTanz), das Auslandsstipendium des Österreichischen Kulturministeriums (BKA), das STARTstipendium des BKA und eine TURBOresidency am ImpulsTanz 2014 (Mentoren: Meg Stuart & Miguel Guiterrez). Teresa Vittuccis Arbeiten «U betta cry» (Tanzhaus 2013), «Lunchtime» (brut Wien 2015) und «All Eyes on» (Zürich moves! 2017) «We Bodies» (Tanzhaus 2019) und «Hate me, Tender» (Tanzhaus 2019) wurden unter anderem bei den Swiss Dance Days, beo imagetanz, zürich moves!, Zürich Tanzt und tanzist sowie am Les Urbaines gezeigt.
Foto © Flavio Karrer