Ensemble Kiosk Extended
Christmas Slumber
Storytelling and abstract art can exist side by side. The KIOSK ensemble operates at the interface between classical, experimental and popular music, improvisation and musical theater.
The concert program “Christmas Slumber” snuggles into the stage set, a puzzle of songs, instrumental music and improvisations. Individual pieces, sought and collected, an eclectic program with memories of something we no longer know what it was, with restless anticipation and fatal euphoria.
In addition to music by Ryuichi Sakamoto, we feature the Zurich composer Anna Trauffer and the young Georgian-Swiss composer Alexandre Kordzaia aka Kordz.
The program also includes pieces composed especially for Kiosk by Russudan Meipariani and Natalie Beridze, whose piece “Slumber” (2024) for voice, piano and synthesizer will be premiered on this evening.
Kiosk Extended will be joined live by friends of the ensemble:
two of Georgia's most innovative electronic musicians, Natalie 'Tusia' Beridze and Anushka Chkheidze. Both artists have made significant contributions to the global electronic music scene, while remaining true to their Georgian roots - as well as the stubborn Zurich percussionist Christian Wolfarth - minimalist in his instrumentation and maximalist in his sonic richness.
Kiosk - Ensemble Extended with a range even more unpredictable, subtle and chaotic!
Keyboard instruments Tamriko Kordzaia
Voice and keyboard instruments Russudan Meipariani
Electronic and voice Anushka Chkheidze
Electronic and voice Natalie Beridze
Scenography Sophie Krayer
Percussion Christian Wolfarth
1. Video: "my friends live there" by Alexandre Kordzaia
Animation by Koka Kita
2.Video: "Slumber" (2024) UA by Natalie Beridze
Video by Nika Machaidze
Doors 19:00
Show 20:00
Wolfarth Solo
Christian Wolfarth - Percussion
Alexandre Kordzaia (*1994):
«იქ ჩემი მეგობრები ცხოვრობენ / my friends live there» (2023)
für Stimme, präpariertes Klavier, Harmonium, Synthesizer und Glockenspiel
Anna Trauffer (*1980):
«Harmonica» (2014) Version für Stimme, Harmonium, Synthesizer und Percussion ad libitum,
(arrangiert durch Kiosk)
Wolfarth & Meipariani Duo
Percussion & Tasten
Alexandre Kordzaia (*1994)
«Squeaky Ballet Class» (2023), für Stimme, präpariertes Klavier, Harmonium, Synthesizer und Glockenspiel
Anushka Chkheidze (*1997)
«Clean Clear White» (2024) für Stimmen, Elektronik, Klavier, Synthesizer, Harmonium.
Nika Machaidze (*1972)
«Dance I» (2005) für zwei Klaviere oder Klavier und E - Piano
Natalie Beridze (*1979)
«Slumber» (2024) für Stimme, Klavier und synthesizer, UA
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952–2023)
«Tong Poo/ East Wind» (1978) für Klavier vierhändig
Russudan Meipariani (*1975)
«Hoquetus» (2023) für Stimmen, Klavier, Harmonium, Glockenspiel, Synthesizer
Natalie Beridze aka TBA - Live
«TOY» (2023) für Stimme, künstliche Stimme, Klavier und Synthesizer
Wolfarth Solo
Christian Wolfarth - Percussion
Anushka Chkheidze aka Halfi - Live
«Baked Face» (2021), «Stairs» (2024), «Through the Window» (2024) für Stimmen, Elektronik, Klavier, Synthesizer, Harmonium