​Für die Freiheit - Proteste in Iran

Solmaz Khorsand im Gespräch mit Sylke Gruhnwald 

Since the death of Masha Jina Amini in police custody, Iranians are again resisting the regime. They are taking to the streets and demonstrating, sending photos and videos of their resistance to the world via social networks. Again, there are dead, injured, arrested. As there were in 1999, 2009, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.  

What is different this time, in the fall of 2022, and how the movement can be supported worldwide, Solmaz Khorsand talks about on the Neumarkt stage.  
Khorsand is a reporter, writer and host of the podcast "Ganz offen gesagt." For years, she has been reporting on feminist movements in Iran, which have repeatedly stood up to the dictatorship and fought for freedom. For the digital magazine Republik, she interviewed Sophie Cheriki, a journalist and children's book author living in exile in Austria. Cheriki has been on the streets at all the protests in Tehran since 2009. 

And Khorsand reports even when journalists and editors show little interest in Iran. For example, in 2017, in the essay "Iranian Transformation." In it, Khorsand asks herself, "Can I live in the country my parents fled?" 

Language: German
Talk: Solmaz Khorsand & Sylke Gruhnwald 
Welcome: Julia Reichert (Co-Director Theater Neumarkt)

Solmaz Khorsand

Sylke Gruhnwald

Julia Reichert