Hanane El-Dirani
What would you ask death in private?
Are you intimidated by clowns?
How do you relate to boundaries?
Some I respect and some I need to break.
Your favourite word?
Hanane El Dirani graduated in Dramatic Art studies from the Institute of Fine Arts- Lebanese University in 2009. After training as a Clown Doctor with the Lebanese association Ibtissama in 2010 and working with hospitalized children, she decided to deepen her practice and trained for one year in Clown Art at the Samovar school in Bagnolet in 2013. She obtained her Masters in Drama therapy from Paris Descartes in 2016.
Between 2012 and 2018, she worked as a puppeteer for the television channel Baraem. She performs in several plays. In 2015 and 2017, she played in « The Third Circle» of Nancy Naous. Since 2018, she has been playing the leading part in «Chronicles of a City We Never Knew» by Wael Kadour and Mohammad Alarashi. In 2019, she starred in «Letters to Nour » by Rachid Benzine and «Chronicles of an Orphan Revolution» by Leyla Rabih. She participates in readings at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris as part of “rencontre avec un auteur” (meeting with an author). Recently, she starred in the short film «La Grande Nuit» by Sharon Hakim.